Healthcare challenges in the current environment.
November 16, 2019
Getting healthcare begins with finding a primary care physician, which is no easy task, to say the least. Your choices are few and far between. The wait times to be seen are ludicrous.
Getting satisfaction for the money spent, or getting your money's worth is no longer even an expectation. Hoping for better is a pipe dream. Paying exorbitant amounts of money to buy health insurance with high deductibles; the latter meant only to dissuade you as a consumer of health care by attaching a high price tag, serves no other purpose than to enrich the insurance companies.
Ask yourself the following questions.
1. Are you able to choose your own Doctor?
2. Can you see him/her in times of need or do you end up seeing someone else or worse still, get the care you deserve in an emergency room?
3. Are you satisfied with the care you are currently receiving?
4. Is your physician more interested in caring for the needs of the system, that pays his salary, than caring for your needs?
Many of you have come to believe that there is no other alternative. But there is one other alternative!
A thousand or so physicians in this Country practice, what is now referred to as Direct Primary Care or Concierge Medicine. In this model, you pay a monthly subscription fee, which entitles you to easier access, more face to face time with your Doctor and ultimately better quality of care at a very reasonable price.
What Health Insurance or Medicare cannot buy you are the services of a good caring physician in a timely manner, one who is able to spend time with you and answer all your questions to your satisfaction and not just hand you a prescription and be done with!
If health is a priority, then why not invest in it. The health care system today is failing you. Seek the alternative!
Dr. Jinnah is accepting new patients. Enroll Now or contact us today!
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